She gets it from her Momma (& Daddy)

One of the most common questions I get asked is "What drove you to take the leap and open this store?" To spare people my long drawn out story I have a stock answer for that. But the truth is, it was a risky dream which is what my core is made of. I have always been what I call a "rebel traditionalist".  I was raised by very traditional parents yet they had a flair for forging their own path, following their own dreams & passions, staying far away from trends and what was "expected" of them by their peers. It seems contradictory and is a very odd balance I inherited probably more from nurture than nature seeing as both my biological and adopted sisters all have the same traits. This might help you to understand why someone who loves all things traditional, especially obsessed with a classic monogram, would venture the riskiest dream of all, opening a gift store. Yet here I am, 12 years later still loving, struggling & learning about taking that leap every new day. I suggest we don't put ourselves in a box, but instead we mix it up a little and take some risk in life. My favorite poem, and if you look hard enough you'll find it in the shop, is by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken. I'm so happy with the paths I've chosen in life. I know there is no going back and I wouldn't want to even if I could because all the ups and downs, trips and fall have lead me to where I am today! Even if I succumb to Amazon, Walmart & Target and had to close my doors tomorrow I would not regret a minute. I'm proud of what we have accomplished at elleB and I plan on living my dream and taking the leap with all my amazing work partners and customers, who I call dear friends, for many years to come!
